Precision Pedicab starts its first production batch

It has been a long time in coming.

In August 2008 I pedicabbed at the Denver Democratic National Convention with the express goal of earning enough money to start making pedicabs.  Little did I know what a long road I would be going down and how many false starts, and wrong turns there would be.  But now we have finally done it.  Our first production batch in underway.

While I am tempted to subject the reader to a lengthy history of all our stops and starts and design changes,  I’ll just leave it at this: over the last several years we built 7 prototypes.  Each one testing a feature, improving on rider ergonomics, passenger comfort, improving shifting, lowering center of gravity and improving handling.  We are finally satisfied with how well the pedicab works.  We are proud of what we have accomplished and so glad to be able to finally be ready to show it here for the first time.  Here are a few pics of some of our work in progress:

[metaslider id=976]

Currently all of our first two production runs is allocated to testing in our own fleet.  Please contact us below if you are interested in purchasing a pedicab from us.  Prices have not yet been determined.
